1. Breakfast Corner Shop: -

Breakfast Shop Business is a very high-paying business nowadays, which is becoming very popular. If you do business at a breakfast shop, it will be a very profitable business for you. Breakfast Shop Business is a highly grossing business, because, in today's life, many people live outside their villages and work, due to which they also eat food and many people are too late for a house Due to being, breakfast did not leave the house. In this case, if you start this business, then your business will start running smoothly. You can open the Breakfast Shop in a budget of 10000-20000. The good thing is that you only have to give for a few hours in the morning, afternoon you can do something else.

2. Sun-stick business: -

Agarbati business is a good option at low cost and more profitable business. Agarbatti is a product that is used by people of almost all kinds of religion. If you do not have Agarbatti, then you can learn by looking at the internet. In Agarbatti's business, you will get good profit at very little cost.

3. Dry vegetable shop: -

Nowadays the demand for the dry vegetable market is increasing, a dry vegetable business can be done at a very low cost. Dry vegetables are very expensive in the market, so if you do a dry vegetable business, then it is very beneficial.
In Dry Vegetable, you can sell dry vegetables such as kere, sangria etc. in this business. If you sell and sell in your yard or farm, you can make more profit by selling it more cheap and good packing.

4. Yoga Class: -

If you are a fit and healthy person, and you have full knowledge of yoga, then you can open your Yoga Class with Yoga Teacher and earn good money. Yog has attracted the attention of many people in today's era, so becoming a yoga teacher is a new profession.
You can also open a yoga class in your home, you need very little investment in it. If you take 500 rupees from any of your students, you can earn good money.

5. Washing the vehicle: -

Vehicle wash could be a terribly simple and simple thanks to earning. You can open a washing shop in your home. In this business, you only have to invest in buying a vehicle washing machine and if you take 80 - 100 rupees to wash the car and bike in it then you can earn well in one day.

6. Dance Classes:-

If you come to dance well, you can open a dance class. You can earn well by becoming a dance teacher. For this, you can open a class in your home, and you do not even need to invest more in this business. If you are taking 500-800 rupees from one in all your students during this business, then you can earn good money in a month.

7. Parking: -

If you have a good vacancy, you can easily do this business. People who use their personal vehicle to go to the market or some other place have to face more parking problems. In this case, the car starts the parking business and charges 40-50 rupees from one customer, you can earn well in one day.

8. Plant Shop: -

Plant look is additionally a decent possibility in Low Investment Business. Nowadays, everyone is putting their own yards in the yard due to increasing awareness of the yard and tree plants. In such a situation, if you open a plant shop, you can earn good profits.
You can additionally open a plant look in your home. You will only have to buy the plants, and if you do not have a place in the house then you can rent a shop. In this business, you can earn more money by delivering home-based plants.


Nowadays, everyone keeps pets in their homes, so pets require more food items. In this way, you can open a pet's food shop, and earn good money. You can also open a PETS food store in your home, for that you have to pay very little. If you want to open the Pets Food Store, then open it in an area where there are already very few pet food shops.

10. DJ Sound Services:-

Dj Sound is very popular nowadays. Whenever there is a party or procession, people rent DJs for pleasure. In such a case, if you start DJ Sound Services, it will be a small part-time business, in which you can earn good money. To start the DJ Sound Services business, you will first need to buy DJ equipment and you have to hire 2-3 people.

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